Noticias de actualidad, tecnologia y cualquier acontecimiento de relevancia, con un toque jocoso (cuando sea necesario), ademas una forma de desahogo social!!! ufffff!!! Y de cualquier vaina que se me ocurra.

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You can’t aim to please everyone in life…or else you will become a cookie cutter person. You must see your goal and maintain your vision. No matter what, you will be misunderstood, critiqued, and even judged harshly. It’s fine…your on the right path.

The Better Man Project

For years, I have been coming out to this view in my backyard and sat on the old white bench. To my right, my two dogs…my best friends throughout childhood are buried where they use to sit on the view next to me looking out into the valley. Sometimes I come here to write, but a lot of the time I come here to think. I come here to listen.

Almost one year ago I dedicated my life to others with the goal of helping people live powerful and impassioned lives. At the time, I really didn’t know how I was going to do it, but I took a leap of faith and decided to follow my dream. I did this because there have always been people throughout my lifetime that have believed in me and supported me through everything. I have grown…a lot. At times it is almost funny…

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At Orlando, Fl.

“Cuanto más pensamos en aquello que no queremos, mayor será
la posibilidad de que lo recibamos.”

Louise H.

Poco o nada sirve imponerse privaciones corporales si uno después es incapaz de renunciar a los intereses propios para respetar y favorecer los del prójimo.

“¿Sabéis qué ayuno quiero yo? Dice el Señor: partir tu pan con el hambriento, albergar al pobre sin abrigo, vestir al desnudo y no volver tu rostro ante el hermano. Entonces brotará tu luz como aurora, y pronto germinará tu curación” (Is 58, 6-8). Así la luz de la buena conciencia resplandecerá delante de Dios y de los hombres y la herida del pecado será curada por un amor verdadero a Dios y a los hermanos.

Sin embargo el ayuno cristiano no es sólo señal de dolor por la lejanía del Señor; es también señal de fe y de esperanza en Él que se queda invisiblemente en medio de sus amigos, en la Iglesia, en los sacramentos, en la palabra, y que un día volverá de manera visible y gloriosa.

El ayuno, como cualquier otra forma de penitencia corporal, tiene como fin realizar un desprendimiento más profundo de las satisfacciones terrenas, para que el corazón esté más libre y sea capaz de saborear las alegrías de Dios y por lo tanto de la Pascua del Señor.


Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

….what I was struggling with before was the fear of not knowing what the future is going to be like. But that is LIFE! You do not know what the future will be like, in fact, you do not know what 60 seconds from now will be like for certain. You can speculate, but then again, you are living in the future and disrespecting this current moment. So I entrenched myself in the present moment today and really appreciated life for what it is. There is nothing that I am afraid of anymore.

The Better Man Project

“I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul” – William Ernest Henley

I am on this great transformation train. I have battled against all the fears and doubts I had in order to completely immerse myself in this, and now I sit here typing before you very confident and proud of how fantastic of a day I had. I cooked all my meals for the entire week (took me about 1.5 hours) and counted all the calories in each meal. I took the time to plan out things so when I am busy I can make the good eating decision because the food is already there for me. Laziness does not factor into my eating plan anymore because the food is cooked and all I have to do is heat it up. Plus, it is incredibly healthy. So, if you are looking to go…

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The Better Man Project

Just a forewarning, I had to take a walk before I started to write this post. I wrote a few times about the importance of my admitting I had a bad day when I did. Today was great until 10:45 pm and then a match was lit. I am breathing.

My mom always told me that I had a huge heart ever since I was little. I believe it. I will go to the ends of the earth for the people I care about. There are a few people I would go to battle with if they asked me to support them. It wouldn’t matter to me whether they were right or wrong, I would put on the armor and go. When you have my heart, you have it.

I sometimes get hurt because of this. I care so much about other people and want to help them so much…

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